War Memorial and Rimembranza Park (November 4th square)
The Parco della Rimembranza di Silvi, located in the north of the city, not far from the station railway, is bordered by low walls and hedges of cherry laurel and roses. The Park is characterized by the presence of an access with two plastered concrete pillars surmounted by eagles and a plaque with the inscription "Città di Silvi Parco IV Novembre"
In the centre of the park, two rows made up of bomb points lead to the monument in honor of the fallen made of marble and bronze and flanked by two slender pine trees. Other items commemoratives that can be seen inside the park are the pole with the tricolor and the howitzer placed to the right of the monument.
The park has been enriched with street furniture, flower beds and plants such as magnolias and palm trees which qualify it as a public garden. Thirty-three linden trees, attributable to the original nucleus, are found along the rear side of the park and in two pairs of rows to the right and left of the monument. The monument shows about 50 names in the oldest part, to which others were added later. The plaque with the names of the fallen of the Second World War can be seen at the church of San Salvatore in Silvi Paese and is the work of the Roman sculptor Torquato Tamagnini himself.
l monumento è costituito da un piedistallo a quattro gradini, di cui il gradino superiore interrotto da un solido elemento quadrangolare, sul quale sono stati scolpiti i nomi dei soldati caduti durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale. Realizzata in travertino, l'opera è decorata con due medaglioni in bronzo, che riportano le date del conflitto e sono posti su due pilastri poligonali. Inoltre, vi è un pannello nella parte superiore del blocco centrale che raffigura l'allegoria della Vittoria: una donna vestita all'antica che si trova su una biga, che sembra incitare i cavalli che la trainano con la mano destra e trattenere una Nike alata con l'altra. Sul lato, una targa è stata aggiunta con i nomi dei caduti tra il 1940 e il 1945, come indicato da un terzo medaglione in bronzo. Infine, sull'altro lato del blocco centrale è stato inciso l'anno in cui il monumento è stato eretto.
The monument consists of a pedestal with four steps, the upper step of which is interrupted by a solid quadrangular element, on which the names of the soldiers who fell during the First World War have been carved. Made of travertine, the work is decorated with two bronze medallions, which bear the dates of the conflict and are placed on two polygonal pillars. In addition, there is a panel at the top of the central block which depicts the allegory of Victory: a woman in old-fashioned dress who stands on a chariot, appearing to be urging her drawing horses with her right hand and holding a winged Nike with the other. On the side, a plaque has been added with the names of the fallen between 1940 and 1945, as indicated by a third bronze medallion. Finally, the year in which the monument was erected was engraved on the other side of the central block.