Borgo Autentico
The hamlet of Silvi Paese has been awarded the prestigious title of "Borgo Autentico of Italy", assigned to the Association of authentic hamlets of Italy, an organization that undertakes to preserve and promote the historical, cultural and territorial identity of small Italian villages.
The Authentic Borgo of Silvi Paese is a place rich in traditions and cultural events, which make it a real jewel to be discovered. Here you can admire ancient churches, historic buildings, charming alleys and squares that tell the story of this beautiful Abruzzo village.
The Association of Borgo Autenticos of Italy is dedicated to supporting and representing a significant part of Italy that focuses on the rediscovery and redevelopment of its historical and cultural identity through strategic development initiatives and planning actions.
In particolare, i Borghi Autentici si impegnano a migliorare continuamente la qualità di vita della popolazione attraverso il costante miglioramento della struttura urbana, del contesto sociale, ambientale, culturale e dei servizi resi ai turisti e ai cittadini. In questo modo, i Borghi Autentici contribuiscono a mantenere e valorizzare le tradizioni e la cultura italiana, preservando le bellezze naturali e storiche del territorio e promuovendo un turismo sostenibile e rispettoso dell'ambiente.
In particular, the Borgo Autentico undertake to continuously improve the quality of life of the population through the constant improvement of the urban structure, the social, environmental, cultural context and the services provided to tourists and citizens. In this way, the Borgo Autentico contribute to maintaining and enhancing Italian traditions and culture, preserving the natural and historical beauties of the area and promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism.