Bandiera Gialla
The Bandiera Gialla of Silvi is a recognition conferred by the FIAB (Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle) to Italian municipalities that stand out for the promotion and implementation of policies and infrastructure aimed at improving cycling in the area.
The Municipality of Silvi has obtained this recognition as it has demonstrated that it puts concrete policies into practice for the promotion of the bicycle as a means of transport, both for the cycle tourism and for daily urban mobility. The indicators considered in the evaluation for the assignment of the Bandiera Gialla include the presence of infrastructures dedicated to cyclists, such as cycle paths, cycle workshops, assistance services, rental and guides for cyclists, as well as accommodation attentive to the needs of bike lovers.
Furthermore, the Municipality of Silvi has encouraged the choice of the bicycle as a means of transport in every area, from small daily trips to leisure time. Finally, it has promoted policies and planning choices aimed at generating services and concessions which together promote a different model of mobility.
The communication and promotion of the theme of sustainable mobility and the use of the bicycle as a means of transport were also promoted through animation events and initiatives aimed at citizens of all ages. The Bandiera Gialla of Silvi therefore represents an important
recognition for the Municipality, which has demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting a model of sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility.